After the author published his first illustrated book about flintlock Jaeger rifles, he now presents, after renewed, extensive preparatory work and research, with this second illustrated book another work about magnificent hunting firearms from different centuries. As in his first work, the author deals with courtly hunting events, which he impressively documents by means of a large number of original engravings and hunting paintings as background accompaniment to the respective hunting weapons. The author focuses his attention on the mechanical and handicraft skills and styles of the individual gunsmiths, iron cutters and ornamentalists, in which he puts the artistic aspects of the various hunting firearms in the foreground. Numerous museums and private collectors have thankfully opened their art chambers to the author. He thus had the opportunity to publish for the first time in this illustrated book magnificent hunting firearms owned by famous personalities, but also mechanical masterpieces of the gunsmith’s craft, which were technologically far ahead of their time of origin. All firearms were photographed under professional studio conditions and exclusively in color. The author has dedicated a separate chapter to gunsmithing and the fine arts, which he presents in an impressive manner with numerous copperplate engravings that have never been shown before. He thus provides the reader with insights into a time when art and mechanics were still siblings.
“Hunting Firearms,
Artworks of the gunsmiths from the 17th to the 19th century”
Publisher: self-published by the author.
Hardcover edition, 604 pages.
Dimensions: 331 x 40 x 235 mm.
High quality illustrated book with over 750 color illustrations, paintings and engravings.
Price: 128,00 € plus 50 € shipping and handling to USA

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